On-board in days (not months!)

Secure case management of phone, web, email and chat-based communication with your
consumer populations.

A first-ever HIPAA-compliant HRIS for on-boarding new hires, background checks, drug screening, HR procedure oversight, and more.

An encrypted platform for point-of-care visits and wellness screening for providers, municipalities, and governmental agencies.
Blockchain and AI technology
Healthcare and
IT into the modern era
Now, medical and wellness data is more widely available to authorized individuals, while being protected from improper access. All information is stored in blockchain, making it vastly more secure, available 24/7, and at considerable savings to the employer, the doctor,
the laboratory, and regulators.
Wellness data and health records are more portable
than ever, a benefit to the patient or employee.
Health professionals and disease researchers can have
access to anonymous information about health trends
and health needs before they become catastrophes.